- Obvious OCR errors like "carne" instead of "came". This is not really acceptable in an e-book edition selling for more than $10 (US).
- Inconsistent and incorrect use of Hungarian diacritical signs with some place names having all, some only some and some none ("Mosonmagyarovar") of the correct accents. It is possible that this was the case in the printed edition as well.
- Inconsistent use of translations, especially of place and personal names and honorifics (sometimes "néni" without explanation and sometimes "aunt" and so on) which were probably inconsistent in the original manuscript and should have been fixed by the original editor.
OCRed Kindle edition of Pinball Games
TV licence system collapses on "Black Friday"
Retailers have to see an SA ID document (or, sometimes, photocopy or photo of one) and verify that the person to whom the ID number belongs has a valid television licence. Now, this information is not updated frequently since a licence is valid for one year and, frankly, I don't think many new licences are being issued. It would therefore be sufficient to publish (and distribute) a list of ID numbers for which a valid licence exists but this presents two problems.
- It might be a bit too easy for someone buying a television set to just pick a number from the list and use it (in cooperation, probably, with retail staff).
- There might be (mild) privacy concerns.
Both issues would be addressed by publishing a list of hashed ID numbers and allowing retailers to store a local copy. A hash function is a one-way function f that would work as follows. First, the SABC publishes a list of all f(x) where x runs over the ID numbers of persons with a valid licence. For technical reasons, we might prepend the digit 1 to the ID number. The essence of the one-way function is that if you are given f(x) (the hashed value), it is in practice impossible to compute x from it although the forward calculation is quite easy.
The list of hashed ID numbers cannot be used therefore to extract any specific ID number but the holder of a valid licence could present their ID number x to the retailer who would quickly compute f(x) and compare f(x) to the published list, a copy of which the reailer will have. If this f(x) is on the list then there is a valid television licence and the retailer can go ahead to make the sale without consulting the SABC server.
It would be necessary to update the list with some (not very specific) frequency but this could be done at any time and will not disrupt sales to customers. In a follow-up post, I shall describe an example of such a one-way function. The image of the sometimes SABC CEO and high-school dropout above is used without permission but under the assumption that it constitutes fair use under SA copyright law. In fairness, I should say that I once had good service from the SABC when I needed to cancel a licence but my friends regard this as unusual and strange.
Hiperskakels en die saak Sanoma/Playboy teen GeenStijl
Die Europese Hof van Justisie het vroeër dié maand beslis dat die publiseer van skakels (dit wel sê, nie die inhoud self nie maar net 'n "link") na roofkopieë van foto's van 'n Playboy-model op die Nederlandse webwerf GeenStijl neerkom op inbraak op outeursreg deur GeenStijl. Die Hof het dus eintlik beslis dat die Internet-adresse van die foto's opsigself die eiendom van Sanoma, die uitgewers van Playboy, is. Die regter het bepaal dat "er sprake is van inbreuk, omdat GeenStijl als commerciële partij behoorde te onderzoeken of de foto's met toestemming online waren geplaatst". Dit is 'n problematiese besluit vir verskeie redes waarvan die meeste voor-die-hand-liggend is. Dit raak egter aan die basiese probleem van outeursreg vir digitaal verspreide media: elke gebruiker maak per definisie 'n perfekte (verder kopieerbare) afskrif van die materiaal. Slegs mense wat nie reeds bedruk is oor die agteruitgang van die Weste (en spelling) nie, word aanbeveel om GeenStijl te besoek.
'Uitspraak GeenStijl is een vervuiling van het auteursrechtelijke systeem'
Enkripsie is net wiskunde, behalwe dalk in La France
Bron: Bernard Cazeneuve veut une action internationale contre le chiffrement http://www.macg.co/ailleurs/2016/08/bernard-cazeneuve-veut-une-action-internationale-contre-le-chiffrement-95199
Financial services – a huge network effect?
Google's new penchant for webscraping
It would be interesting to see how long it is before someone sues. French publishers, perhaps?
Viber robo-calling has started
Tripadvisor se hoërskoolopstelressensie-probleem
Ek het vinnig gaan kyk na die Tripadvisor-opmerkings vir 'n restourant in Pretoria (daar in die top-10) wat ek ken. Die lofsange van mense wat oënskynlik net één ressensie op Tripadvisor het, is opvallend. Dit lees ook soos hoërskoolopstelle: "[t]hey cater for young and old and they have a play park for kids with supervision." Die een hier regs lyk ietwat meer eg en minder generies maar daar is sekerlik baie maniere om hierdie te reël... Die hoofprobleem is dat daar amper geen insentief is om 'n normaal-positiewe resensie te skryf nie, tensy 'n mens geweldig verveeld is. Ek sou amper so ver gaan om myself to probeer oorreed om geen aandag aan goeie resensies te gee nie en slegs te kyk na die slegtes. Miskien is daar wel 'n gepaste markmeganisme om hierdie uit te sorteer maar solank mense vrywillig ressensies skryf of plaas (en skaars hoef aan te toon dat hulle eers wel by 'n plek was), gaan daar probleme wees.
The US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act applies to YOU
‘the term “computer” means an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing device performing logical, arithmetic, or storage functions, and includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or operating in conjunction with such device, but such term does not include an automated typewriter or typesetter, a portable hand held calculator, or other similar device;’